"This is Renegadeism: Live, Defy, Believe, Thrive."

"This is Renegadeism: Live, Defy, Believe, Thrive."

The word “Renegade” is derived from the medieval Latin word renegatus — the perfect participle of renego, meaning “deny.” 
“Renegadeism” is an unwaveringly positive and defiant attitude embodied by ordinary men and women across the globe who consider themselves to be distinctively different than the masses: we who are “dreamers” and “believers,” who strive to be achievers of a bigger goal — of a significant purpose. We dreamers who brandish the name “Renegade” live, defy, believe and thrive in what we love to do, in spite of the an increasingly cynical world that surrounds us. As Renegades, we deny convention for the sake of convention, deny mounting cynicism, and deny disbelief. Under the name of  “Renegades” we brandish a determined and resolute mindset through which we individually engage in Self-Exploration, striving to explore who we truly are on the inside; better ourselves through intellectual growth and emotional exploration; become Self-Aware, realizing and coming to trust our constitution, unique gifts and talents; and develop ourselves to be the best men and women that we can be, for the sake of everyone around us. Renegadeism is about “believing” in defiance of naysayers and developing the Self on behalf of others. It’s really that simple.
Renegadeism Begins with Self-Exploration:
Human potential is uniquely unlimited. There is no restraint on what creativity, imagination or love we may summon and possess. Within ourselves, we have an insurmountable potential to dream, believe and achieve–simply because we are human. What resides within us is all that we need to achieve anything we put our minds to. Historically-brilliant men and women–from Sun Tzu to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Benjamin Franklin, E.E. Cummings, Marcus Aurelius and the fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso–have long espoused the merit and honest value of understanding the Individual and developing confidence and trust in one’s Self as an important starting point for the betterment of others. We, the Renegades, willfully engage in the dedicated practice of Self-Exploration, or the examination and analysis of our unrealized spiritual and intellectual capacities–the unlimited potential that we each individually possess. Renegades place explicit focus and attention upon developing the individual Self as a starting point for bigger and better things. Through introspective exploration, we come to better understand our behaviors, our motivations, our personalities, our relationships, and our lives. In other words, we become “self-aware.”
Self-Awareness leads to Self-Reliance:
Self-awareness is gaining and developing a new level of consciousness and an ongoing understanding of our personal traits, behaviors, abilities, talents, gifts and potential in life. By becoming better aware of who we are on the inside, Renegades forge a new sense of knowledge and understanding of the Self. Self-awareness lessens our natural tendencies to be insecure and self-conscious, because we understand our emotions and the motivations for our behaviors every day. Understanding one’s sense of Self and being less insecure ultimately reveals a new world of confidence and peace of mind; once achieved, a Renegade builds his or her own self-reliant temple, against which there is no cynicism, disbelief, or naysayer that can shake the dreamer and believer from achieving whatever he or she desires. Achieving this level of confidence and peace of mind, we become self-reliant: our motivations come from deep within our hearts and souls. We realize that our actions, thoughts and behaviors are inherently pure and good for they stem from deep within our spirit. When our motivations come from within, we ultimately have little to ever regret. We are free to make mistakes and contradict ourselves, to learn and grow, because we are motivated by our hearts and souls and what is within us." - Dave Ursillo (www.daveursillo.com)
“March on. Do not tarry.
To go forward is to move toward perfection.
March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life’s path.” ~Kahlil Gibran